“Roll With It” is a documentary following the Australian Men’s Wheelchair Basketball team, the Rollers, on their two year journey to the 2014 World Championships held in South Korea.
After losing the Gold medal at the London 2012 Paralympics the Rollers are out for revenge.
We follow the inspiring players that make up one of Australia’s greatest ever sporting teams as they overcome their own daily battles and strive for the ultimate glory.
Director Biography:
“Roll With It” is Christopher Mill’s first feature documentary. He previously produced and co-directed “Speakin’ Out”, a short documentary on voice-over artists which screened at multiple festivals and won Best Film at the “Snowy Short Film Festival” in 2005. He also wrote and directed a short horror “ThirtyFive” in 2005, which also screened at multiple festivals.
Christopher began his film career in Perth, Western Australia, as a television commercial editor and then moved to Sydney to attend the prestigious Australian Film, Television & Radio School (AFTRS) where he completed his MA in drama editing.
While keeping up his day job as a television editor, working mainly in factual and drama, he also found time to follow his passion of documentary.
“Roll With It” had its beginnings after Christopher watched his school friend Brad Ness lose the London Paralympic Wheelchair gold medal game in 2012. Six months later Christopher joined Brad and his teammates in Canberra and began filming their two year journey for redemption at the 2014 World Cup in South Korea.
After completing “Roll With it” in mid 2017, Christopher has now commenced filming his second feature documentary on the history and culture of Pinball.